Student loan debt refers to the financial obligation that individuals incur when they borrow money to fund their education. This type of debt specifically pertains to loans taken out to cover the costs of attending college or university, including tuition, fees, books, and living expenses. Students typically borrow these funds from government-based programs, private lenders, or a combination of both.

Upon completing their education or leaving school, borrowers are required to repay the loan amount along with any accrued interest. The terms of repayment can vary, and they often involve monthly payments over an extended period.

Impact of Student Loan Debt Cancellation

Student loan debt can have a significant impact on individuals’ financial well-being, and managing this debt is a key concern for many graduates. The issue of student loan debt is a prominent aspect of discussions around education financing and policies aimed at making higher education more accessible and affordable.

Effects of Biden’s Student Loan Debt Relief Plan

In his bid to cancel the student loan debt for eligible borrowers, President Joe Biden aims to provide much-needed relief and potentially life-changing benefits for countless American adults and families.

While this move is expected to be particularly advantageous for households of color, it may have minimal effects on those who did not attend college or have already paid off their loans. Additionally, the overall economic impact may not be as positive as some anticipate.

On August 24, 2022, the Biden-Harris administration introduced a plan to help people struggling with student loan debt. Unfortunately, in June 2023, the Supreme Court disagreed with the plan.

Here are the main parts of the plan:

  • Debt Forgiveness: If you earned less than $125,000 per year, you could have gotten up to $10,000 in forgiveness for your federal student loans. Even if you were married or the head of a household and your combined income was up to $250,000, you could still have been eligible. If you received the income-based Pell Grant while you were a student, you could have been eligible for even more – up to $20,000 in forgiveness.
  • Loan Payments Resuming: The break from making payments on federal student loans would have ended on September 1, 2023. This means people would have had to start repaying their loans again.
  • Lower Payments with Income-Driven Plans: The amount you had to pay each month based on your income would have decreased. Instead of paying up to 10% of your discretionary income, it would have been capped at 5%.
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While they did open up a brief period for people to apply for a pause on their loan payments, the Department of Education had to stop accepting applications and pause processing because of legal issues. The future of this relief remains uncertain due to these challenges.

Student Loan Debt Relief Updates and Tax Implications

Despite the Supreme Court rejecting the debt forgiveness plan, the administration continued seeking ways to help with student loan debt. They explored options like loan forgiveness and changes to income-driven repayment plans. The break on student loan interest concluded on September 1, 2023, with payments resuming on October 1.

It’s important to note that while the American Rescue Plan makes federal student loan forgiveness tax-free between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2025, some states may treat it differently. As of now, forgiveness might be taxed as income in Arkansas, California, Indiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Wisconsin.

The Good Things About Erasing Student Debt

Getting rid of student loan debt, even if it’s not the full amount, can help people with their money. Some experts say it can even boost the economy because those who owe money would have extra cash to spend on different things, like buying a house.

Let’s say you owe $35,000 in student loans and pay $300 each month with a 4.66% interest rate. Over 13 years, you’d pay almost $12,000 just in interest. If $10,000 of your debt is canceled, you could save about $6,000 and finish paying off everything five years earlier.

Canceling student loan debt can be especially good for those with lower incomes, especially women and people of color. A study in 2020 said that if $75,000 of student debt is forgiven, the average wealth for Black households could go up by 42%, and with $50,000 forgiven, it could go up by around 34%. These numbers are more than what Biden has talked about, but they align with his plan to address racial fairness.

Drawbacks of Student Loan Debt Cancellation

Critics argue that canceling student loan debt might not be a good idea. They say this because it could mostly help people who already went to college, and some people think that’s not fair. About 45 million Americans have student loan debt, but that’s only about 13.5% of the whole U.S. population.

Another worry is how much it would cost. Experts think canceling loans could cost around $519 billion over 10 years, and with other expenses, it might even reach close to $1 trillion. That big amount has to be paid by someone, and they say it could be around $2,000 to $2,500 for each taxpayer, whether they went to college or not.

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Even if they cancel the debt, some experts think that by 2028, student loan debt could go back to $1.6 trillion. This is because the plan doesn’t do anything to make college costs lower for current and future students.

Canceling student debt might also make prices go up more (inflation). If millions of people suddenly have $10,000 to $20,000, it could push up inflation by 15–27 basis points, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

Why Canceling Student Loan Debt Can Be Good

There are three big reasons why some people think it’s a good idea to cancel a lot of student loan debt:

  • Helping the Economy: When people have less student loan debt, they can spend more money and start new businesses. This could make the country’s economy better.
  • Addressing Racial Differences: Many Black people have more student loan debt than White people. Canceling this debt could help make things more equal, especially when it comes to money and wealth.
  • Improving Life: Student loan debt is stopping many people from doing important things in life, like getting married, buying a house, or saving for the future. If we cancel some of the debt, it could make life better for lots of people. They might have more money, better credit, and be happier in their jobs and families. It could also help them buy homes earlier, save money for emergencies, and invest in themselves.

In Conclusion

People mostly agree that making college more affordable is a good idea. However, experts don’t all agree on whether canceling some or all student loan debt is the best solution. If we cancel the debt, it will help those who owe money, but there might be other consequences that end up costing everyone more in the future.

It’s like this: Imagine we help some people now, but we need to think about what might happen later. If we don’t plan carefully, the choices we make now could end up being expensive for everyone in the long run. It’s a bit like trying to find the best way to fix a problem without creating new ones.

So, even though helping people with their student loans is good, we need to be smart about it to make sure it doesn’t cause more problems down the road.


What is the Meaning of Student Loan Debt?

Student loan debt is money that a person owes because they borrowed it to pay for their education. This kind of debt happens when students take a loan from a bank to help pay for their tuition.

How Much is Student Loan Debt?

As of the second quarter of 2023, Americans collectively owe $1.77 trillion in federal and private student loan debt. This represents a 1.25% increase from the second quarter of 2022. Out of this total, $128.77 billion is attributed to private student loan debt, as of March 31, 2023.

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What is the Average Student Loan Debt?

On average, each borrower owes $37,338 in federal student loan debt, while the average for private student loan debt is $54,921 per borrower. When pursuing a bachelor’s degree, the typical student borrows over $30,000. In total, there are 45.3 million borrowers with student loan debt, and among them, 92% have federal loan debt.

What Happens When You Have Student Loan Debt?

Student loan debt can greatly postpone a borrower’s ability to accomplish important life goals such as getting married, starting a family, purchasing a home, pursuing advanced education, or securing an ideal job in their chosen field.

How Much is the Student Loan in Nigeria?

There could be a shift in this situation, as the federal government of Nigeria has recently enacted a law creating a student loan program designed to offer financial support to individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Through this scheme, qualified applicants stand to receive up to N500,000 (approximately $650) per academic session.

How Long Does it Take to Repay Student Loans?

The typical timeframe for repaying federal student loans is 10 years. However, the actual repayment duration varies based on the loan amount and your monthly payment capacity. For a person holding a bachelor’s degree with the average federal loan debt, the monthly payment needed to pay off the loan in 10 years or less would be slightly over $300.

What Country has the Most Student Loan Debt?

When comparing several countries, both the United Kingdom and the United States stand out for having the highest average student loan debt. In England, students typically graduate with an average student loan debt exceeding $54,000, whereas in the United States, the average at graduation is $28,400.

Who is Qualified to Apply for Student Loan in Nigeria?

If you are a student in any Nigerian tertiary institution, including a university, college of education, polytechnic, technical school, or any vocational school, you have the opportunity to apply for a student loan.

When Should You Pay off Student Loan Debt?

If you’ve successfully cleared your credit card debt and other high-interest debts, it may be a good indication that paying off your student loans early could be a sensible decision. Another important factor to consider is whether you have a fully funded emergency fund. Opting to pay off student loans early is recommended only if you have accumulated at least three to six months’ worth of expenses in a high-yield savings account.


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